Lakeview Elementary
Contributed by Lori Gossen - Library Media Specialist
These are some photos we took of our "Reading in a Winter Wonderland" activities in the library at Lakeview Elementary. We invited all of the classes to come to the library and read. We tried to create a wonderful environment conducive to focus on reading. We brought lights, turned on Christmas music, decorated for winter and handed each child a Snickerdoodle cookie. They were able to concentrate and read in the library. We invited them to come back in between subjects and at lunch for more reading enjoyment. Our focus was to bring reading into the lime light!
Reading is a life long skill needed for the success in their future. Lakeview is "FOCUSED" on developing good readers.
Contributed by Lori Gossen - Library Media Specialist
These are some photos we took of our "Reading in a Winter Wonderland" activities in the library at Lakeview Elementary. We invited all of the classes to come to the library and read. We tried to create a wonderful environment conducive to focus on reading. We brought lights, turned on Christmas music, decorated for winter and handed each child a Snickerdoodle cookie. They were able to concentrate and read in the library. We invited them to come back in between subjects and at lunch for more reading enjoyment. Our focus was to bring reading into the lime light!