On January 9, 2012, several U.S. military veterans came to Independence Elementary School and shared a presentation with 5th grade students about prosthetics, prosthetic design, and their experiences as disabled military veterans.

This was a powerful presentation for many reasons. The presentation was part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program at Independence Elementary which started this year under the leadership of teacher Chris Simon and principal Cecil Bowles. Students wrote reflective essays about things they learned from the presentation, and two 5th graders (Darius and Addison) recorded their essays using the free iPad/iOS application Cinch. (Update August 20, 2012: Since Cinch.fm has discontinued service, we've cross-posted these audio recordings to a free iPadio.com channel and embedded the recordings below.)
Please listen to Darius and Addison's essays and provide feedback as comments to this post. (All comments to our learning showcase site are moderated, so your comment may not show up immediately for others to view until it has been reviewed.) We are creating a narrated slideshow with photos and their voice narration which we will share here soon too. Special thanks to 5th grade teachers Mrs. Hooge, Mrs. Burgess, and Mrs. Cromwell who teach Darius and Addison and helped them write their essays. Great work Independence Elementary students and teachers!
Direct link to Addision's recording
Direct link to Darius' recording
Direct link to Addision's recording
Direct link to Darius' recording